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Crab Hunters

During a very specific hunt for scrap, two sinners began a long conversation despite not starting out yet.
Mischief Sinner #28
Good Wings, what are those?!
Backstreets tend to vary in nature, and Mischief in particular had never actually encountered creatures of these types before in their entire life.
When he and Kiya were sent to do the hunting, they were both perplexed in their own little ways.
Kiya Sinner #25
Well, according to our Manager, they're...crabs? I guess?
Mischief Sinner #28
Crabs?! No, no! Those can't be crabs. Crabs are usually red, white and come in little sticks inside plastic!
Kiya Sinner #25
...Those aren't real crabs, I don't think. They're imitation meat.
Mischief Sinner #28
Then why would they say "crab" in the packaging if they're not actually crabs?
Kiya Sinner #25
Wh—Forget it, let's just kill these things already...
Sure enough, as if having overheard their conversation, these crabs angrily sped towards the two sinners. The fight proceeds as usual, with the focus being the obtaining of their shells.
They proved to be a lot more difficult than anticipated, as questions arise in casual matters. Such as when any of this will end, among other important reminders.
Kiya Sinner #25
Hey, Mischief? I've been thinking.
Kiya suddenly speaks, gutting one of the bigger crabs open in one swift move.
Mischief Sinner #28
You can think?
Kiya Sinner #25
Be nice to me! Look, I think we can actually eat these things. Underneath all that scrap we can probably make some stew out of the legs, you know?
Mischief Sinner #28
Mischief Sinner #28
I think you're crazy!
Kiya Sinner #25
They're edible! I thought you were set on eating these things. Why are you changing your mind now?!
Mischief Sinner #28
You wanna know why?! You really wanna know?! It's cause you're gonna borrow my stick to test it out, I know it!
Kiya Sinner #25
No, I'm not...!
Kiya Sinner #25
Kiya Sinner #25
Give me that.
Mischief Sinner #28
Nooooooo!!! Nooooooooooo!!!!!
As Kiya tries to take Mischief's weapon from his hands, something big looms right behind them. Having sensing its weaker peers die pathetically, a rather displeased crab chitters over these two getting in the way.
Mischief Sinner #28
I'm not giving it! You go take some other poor sod's stick instead of taking mine!
Kiya Sinner #25
Wait. Wait. Why is it so dark?
The two of them turn around. Not even a minute later, their bodies get crushed by a huge hunk of scrap falling over their heads.
Their screams become muffled by the sounds of crunching and scraping.
Heathcliff Sinner #7
Well, there ya have it. Now Greg owes me 20 ahn. Heh.
Gregor Sinner #13
Grah, and here I was thinking they were gonna get sliced...
Ryoshu Sinner #4
Tch. Would've been a sight for sure.
Dante Executive Manager
...You guys were betting on their deaths?!
Some time later, after a pretty painful revival...
Kiya Sinner #25
I'm not even going to deny it. That was my bad. Forgive me, Manager.
Mischief Sinner #28
Yeah, it's totally your bad.
Kiya Sinner #25
Shut up.
Dante Executive Manager
Please be more careful next time, you two...